If there’s one thing we get asked over and over again, it’s “how can we make our cake a bit different?” With a plethora of elegant white cakes and classic florals filling the windows of every cake shop in town, many couples feel a little apprehensive about asking for something different from the norm. The primary concern amongst many couples is that they don’t want to upset older relatives, who can often be sticklers for tradition, or opt for a cake that they will find embarrasing when they look back at their wedding pictures in ten years time. So, how can we add individuality without going completely overboard?
The first, and easiest, way you can add character is with personalised figurines. There is a multitude of artists making incredible figurines on places such as ebay and Etsy, many of which can include and incorporate occupations, hobbies, even family pets. We get asked for these pretty often as they are a great way of adding a little fun to your cake without going insane. You can add the kids, hell, you can add the entire wedding party if you want to! You don’t have to stick to keeping your figurines on top of the cake either: how about the couple on the top and the kids and pets seated on each tier? Or just the two of you perched on the top tier, heads on each other’s shoulders, gazing wistfully into the distance? Figurines really have moved on since the 80’s so don’t worry about your cake looking dated, as this will certainly not be the case.
Want to take it a step further? How about a coloured cake? No, not one of those flourescent buttercream nightmares you see on the cake wreck sites, I’m talking delicate, iridescent hues of pink, lavender, blue or green, clean, bold tiers of navy, purple or black, or, if you’re feeling fancy, metallic gold or silver leaf. A well placed, coloured fondant tier, can really make a cake ‘pop’, adding extra interest without adding extra decoration (which will also keep your costs down). Alternatively, a coloured cake with metallic details is always a recipe for perfection: I am currently besotted with dusky rose cakes with old gold detailing, several of which will no doubt pop up on our social media over the coming weeks. Tiffany blue is also a classic shade that would look beautiful in any wedding, and is timeless enough to still look fabulous when you’re perusing your pictures on your Golden wedding anniversary. That said, any shade when paired with the right design, will always look beautiful.
The riskiest option is the one that can reap some of the best results: carved cakes. Our suitcase cake recently caused a bit of a stir online and was one of our most popular cakes on social media. This was the most recent in a long line of suitcase cakes we have made over the years, all of which have been very well received and look as current today as they did back then. I appreciate that some of you are probably sitting there thinking “what have suitcases got to do with weddings?” That is my point exactly: carved cakes are an expression of something that is special to the couple. Sometimes they are to signify a special honeymoon, the fact they met whilst travelling, a symbol of their moving in together, or quire simply because they just like suitcases! But you know what? There is always a reason, a special story, something that means something to them, and that is what counts. We have carved topsy turvy Tim Burton style cakes for a couple with a love of all things gothic, a prism shaped cake for a couple who loved pyramids, a cat shaped cake for a couple who just loved their cat! When it comes to carved cakes, the possibilities are endless and the results are glorious. Carved cakes are the ultimate way of expressing individuality in a delicious, sugar coated fashion.
I suppose what I am getting at here is that, even with the most conservative of weddings, you can still add a flash of colour, a splash of personality, or a dash of madness, without compromising the integrity of your overall scheme or giving your grandparents a heart attack. Never be afraid to ask your baker for something different, we all love a challenge and the chance to stretch our creativity, so
it’s unlikely you will horrify us with your suggestions! As I have said in previous blogs, this is your wedding, so do what makes you both happy! After all, life is too short for boring cake.
Have a great week!